Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm thankful....

So I've posted two blogs so far and I'm not feeling connected to what I'm writing.  Maybe my ego is involved?

My grandmother used to sing all the time, especially while she worked.  And she always told me to sing while I worked to make my tasks easier and make the time go by faster.  Anyway, my grandmother has been gone for several years but I still hear her singing..." God answers prayers in the morning, God answers prayers at noon, God answers prayers in the evening so keep your heart in tune."  I don't want to go back to being"churchy" but I do want to strengthen my connection with that higher power.  This is still my journey to personal freedom but with expressions of gratitude.

I used to work in the outdoors in a wilderness program and that's when I really started to write down what I was thankful for.

Thank You for my family, for animals, for the roof over my head, and the clothes on my back. Thank You, God, for Mother Nature, for the eyes you gave me to see and the ears You gave me to hear and the voice You gave me to sing.  I love to sing.  It fills my heart with You.  Thank you for Sadie, Yellow, Goose, A.J. Jasmine, Beep-Beep, and Kim.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How bad do I want to be "ME"

What's the hardest part about being yourself?  Overcoming FEAR ... fear of being alone, having no friends; fear of being judged, fear of being rejected, fear of persecution, fear of not fitting in to society or family.  How much of my life do I lose to FEAR?  Too much.  But there is a ray of sunshine peaking through the clouds I have allowed to hover over my life.  Can you guess what it is?  That's right....CHOICE.  We all know how to implement choice in our lives.  We just have to be willing to let our hearts be our guide .  Our hearts tell us every time we take a wrong turn.  Our hearts tell us every time we do something contrary to our good nature.  Our hearts tell us every time we walk away from ourselves leaving the door open for anyone or anything to come in and take over (i.e., we can never say "no" to anyone, we fear judgment from others, we do anything to "fit in", etc).  I believe our hearts are the voices for our souls; the voices for who we really are.  When we ignore our hearts we ignore ourselves and everything good that we are.  Do you ever wonder why you  seemingly have everything you want but have an unidentifiable, endless ache inside; as if something is missing.  And the most frustrating thing is you THINK you have no idea where this ache is coming from, what it's called, or how to fix it.  But if you pay close attention it does go away when you're doing what you love.  It does go away when you're surrounded by people who love you unconditionally.  It does go away when you allow yourself to be you.  How bad do we want to be who we were meant to be?  We make time for the things we want to do and for the people we want to be with.  So why not make time to be us?


Thursday, February 10, 2011


I have been blessed with the ability to see how everything in my life, good or bad, is a stepping stone to something better.  The challenge comes in admitting that very fact when you're in the midst of a personal crisis.  The challenge comes in facing fears and past demons that threaten to leap out at you whenever you contemplate a new beginning.  The challenge comes in finding the courage to be a better you.  When those closest to you are connected with those fears and demons  it can, at times, feel impossible.  But courage is like God; always there, walking beside you waiting for you to say "I'm ready."  No matter what's been done, how much milk has been spilled, or how many mirrors have been broken we have choice.  We can choose to live in pain or we can choose to make an adventure out of our search for happiness.  We can choose to feel regret or we can choose to forgive ourselves.  Worry or trust, hate or love, judge or reach for our own improvements, live in fear or live free.  I was reminded of this in an email I received.  It said, " Everyone has the ability and can choose to wake up with a smile on their face...most do not."  What would happen if we all went to bed tonight knowing that we were going to wake up tomorrow with a smile?  And then we did.
Courage lives in actions.