It's extremely important for all of us to have a source or sources of inspiration. It doesn't matter what it is as long as it moves us to create. I have many sources of inspiration and I've found that I'm most receptive and in tune with those sources when I'm in a peaceful, relaxed state. If I try to force inspiration it ends up being illusive. It becomes like the eggshell in the egg. When you try to fish it out you get so close but right as you think you have it the shell slips out from under you. If you don't know what your source of inspiration is try taking one day every week to just observe. Let yourself see with more than your eyes, let yourself hear with more than your ears, let yourself feel and touch with more than your hands. What do I mean? Try this. Go to a park on a day when the sun is shining and take note of everything your senses are registering. There is no need for talking. Get rid of the noise. Just be quiet, be still, and let yourself be. Notice how your skin feels when the warmth of the sun washes over it. Listen to leaves rustling in the trees. What does the air smell like? Can you smell the grass? Feel the grass under your hands, feet, legs. Listen to the birds or the chipmunks or whatever wildlife is present. Is there water nearby? Can you hear it or smell it? Do you smell water in the air? After you have taken note of your surroundings ask yourself how you feel. Peaceful surroundings will teach you. When you allow that peace to move inside (into you) you will feel inspired. Being grateful for your life, your circumstances, your family and friends, whatever you possess, no matter what it is or how much you have or don't have, will allow you to have internal peace. I've been an observer all of my life. I learn more. I understand more deeply. I feel a greater connection to my own life and my purpose. I have more compassion and less judgment. When I let go of my ego and all the trivial matters that can so quickly entangle all of my efforts for happiness and success, I actually find happiness and success. One of the ways I remind myself to let go and be inspired, besides getting outside, is with a mind movie.
If you'd like to make your own mind movie, you can go to and follow the instructions. Or if you're a wizard with computer programs such as PowerPoint or any other editing software, you can make your own. Enjoy the video and have a great day!
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