OK all you health nuts (and I say that with an immense amount of affection),
If you've been looking for ways to improve your health but don't know where to start, don't have the energy to start, don't have the time to do the research to know where to start, etc, etc., I've got some answers to help you get there. But before we get to some exciting new products that I want to share with you let's go over the basics; the best and easiest ways to get yourself on the path to feeling and looking great!
First, GET OUTSIDE!!!! One of the easiest and best ways to re energize is to get outside and MOVE your body. Everyone knows that, right? So why is it so hard? Number one, we tend to allow stress and worry and anxiety and this problem and that problem takeover. Well all of that crap in your head could drop an elephant so it's certain to drain the life right out of you. There is a time and a place for everything and no matter how adult we become we still need play time. Problems will always be around. Each of us as individuals decide how big of a roll problems will play in our lives. So, everyday tell yourself to let them go. And then go have some fun. Number two, our homes can be some of the most toxic environments. We have chemical cleaners that we use on a regular basis. Our homes are built with toxic materials - treated wood, tar, asphalt, asbestos, lead, paints, stains, stain treaters, stain fighters and on and on. If you don't believe me, make yourself aware of how you are feeling when you wake up, during the day when you're out of the house, and in the evening when you return home. Many of us will immediately feel drained of all energy and wellness, not because we've had a long, stressful day at work (that's immediately remedied after clocking out if you let it), but because as soon as we walk thru the door we inhale numerous "off-gases" from the paint on the walls to the chemical treatments in the carpets to the stain on the furniture. So get outside and get moving.
Second, if you absolutely can't get outside, get moving inside. When I was dirt poor I used soup cans for dumbbells and rubber bungee cords for resistance straps. You don't need fancy equipment to get in shape. Heck, even turning on your favorite tunes and dancing around the house is better than no movement. Our bodies weren't made to be stagnant they were made to move. When you don't move toxins build up in your blood stream, then in your organs, tissues, and cells...which creates aches and pains, illnesses, dis-eases, etc.
Third, eat healthy. Healthy eating habits don't have to taste bad. There are so many options out there that I have no doubt you will find a variety of healthy food that are right for you and that you like. For example, there was a time when the thought of boiled chicken didn't appeal to me in the least. But then I tried it and discovered it actually has a great amount of flavor. Pair it with sliced tomatoes and avocados, a little bit of parsley or cilantro, and you've got a quick, easy, healthy meal in about 15 minutes. And once you start eating healthier you'll begin to notice that your old eating habits kind of gross-you-out. You'll have more energy during the day, you'll feel nourished not sluggish, you'll begin to feel alive. And that's great.
So now for some cool ideas. If you're into essential oils or would like to know more about them I would highly suggest going to everythingdoterra.com and click on zdoterra. This company makes THE BEST oils; no chemicals or fillers; all natural. And to be more efficient in knowing which oils will work best for you, you can purchase a zyto compass. This is a bio computer program that reads your body's physiological responses thru skin conductivity. The fluctuations in skin conductivity are measured and sent back to the computer for analysis. It will then give you feedback based on your body's needs and what you can do to help get your body back in balance. For more information go to http://www.zytocompass.com/af/amiller2.
Have a great day!
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