Friday, July 8, 2011

Taking a break

I finally got into school to pursue a passion of mine.  So, as you can probably already tell, postings won't be as frequent.  But when I get a few spare moments I'll be sharing what I learn. 


Friday, May 20, 2011


It's extremely important for all of us to have a source or sources of inspiration.  It doesn't matter what it is as long as it moves us to create.  I have many sources of inspiration and I've found that I'm most receptive and in tune with those sources when I'm in a peaceful, relaxed state.  If I try to force inspiration it ends up being illusive.  It becomes like the eggshell in the egg.  When you try to fish it out you get so close but right as you think you have it the shell slips out from under you.  If you don't know what your source of inspiration is try taking one day every week to just observe.  Let yourself see with more than your eyes, let yourself hear with more than your ears, let yourself feel and touch with more than your hands.  What do I mean?  Try this.  Go to a park on a day when the sun is shining and take note of everything your senses are registering. There is no need for talking.  Get rid of the noise.  Just be quiet, be still, and let yourself be.  Notice how your skin feels when the warmth of the sun washes over it.  Listen to leaves rustling in the trees.  What does the air smell like? Can you smell the grass?  Feel the grass under your hands, feet, legs.  Listen to the birds or the chipmunks or whatever wildlife is present. Is there water nearby?  Can you hear it or smell it?  Do you smell water in the air?  After you have taken note of your surroundings ask yourself how you feel.  Peaceful surroundings will teach you. When you allow that peace to move inside (into you) you will feel inspired.  Being grateful for your life, your circumstances, your family and friends, whatever you possess, no matter what it is or how much you have or don't have, will allow you to have internal peace.  I've been an observer all of my life.  I learn more. I understand more deeply.  I feel a greater connection to my own life and my purpose.  I have more compassion and less judgment.  When I let go of my ego and all the trivial matters that can so quickly entangle all of my efforts for happiness and success, I actually find happiness and success.  One of the ways I remind myself to let go and be inspired, besides getting outside,  is with a mind movie.

If you'd like to make your own mind movie, you can go to and follow the instructions.  Or if you're a wizard with computer programs such as PowerPoint or any other editing software, you can make your own.  Enjoy the video and have a great day!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mind Over Matter; a Funny Connection

I don't know about the rest of you but I love the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan.  I don't get to watch his show very often but a while back I was able to sit back and enjoy one of them.  This particular episode featured a black lab that was fine walking on any surface except shiny linoleum (or something like that).  For some reason the dog became very timid when he noticed the shiny floor and it took his owner quite a bit of prodding to get him across it and into another area of the home/business.  Cesar came in and started working with the dog and his owner.  He stated that in order for the dog to overcome his hesitations, apprehensions, or fears about this floor his mind (the dog's mind) needed to be kept in motion; moving "forward", so to speak.  This would not allow the dog to over-analyze  the situation and become fearful.  If the dog wasn't allowed to stop, question his surroundings, and doubt his ability to navigate those surroundings, which in turn made him fearful, his brain would learn a new way of thinking; a stronger way of thinking.  And after half a dozen walk-through s across that shiny floor, with Cesar keeping the dog's body in motion, his mind soon followed.  Practice with the owner turned into a triumph easily overcome with the right knowledge and tools.

And I thought to myself..."I do that."  I over think situations which causes me to doubt my ability to navigate my surroundings.  So I asked myself if there was ever a time in my life when I could remember not questioning or being fearful of anything I did.  And the answer to my own question was "yes".  When I had no fear about what others thought of me I never questioned my own abilities.  And I was willing to take on any task you set in front of me; except maybe the dishes.  It didn't matter if I was knowledgeable about that subject or not.  I had an innate sense that I could do whatever was asked of me and whatever I set out to do.  So the next question was, "How do I get back to not caring what people think of me; not caring whether I am judged negatively?"  I wasn't really sure how to answer that one so I decided to go with Cesar's method.  Whenever I started to feel anxious, inadequate, or lacking in some way, or started to worry that others might judge me harshly I kept my body moving and allowed my brain to to think of everything I was good at, everything that brought me joy, everything in my life that I was grateful for.   And I immediately started to see a difference.  I could feel an inner strength returning.  I started to feel like the real 'me' again, the one who could do anything I set my mind to do.  

I have always been amazed by the ways I receive answers to my questions.  As much as I love animals I am never surprised when they have something to teach me.

Have a great day!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Workout Fun

I just finished working out with one of my most favorite fitness instructors ever, Gilad Janklowicsz.  His workouts are easy enough for beginners and challenging enough to get immediate results.  Plus he has a sense of humor.  How great is that?  When your muscles are burning, you're tired, and you wanna say "enough" out comes some little humorous quip.  And maybe it's just me but these are the first workouts that have actually given me the results I'm looking for in those darned problem areas. That makes me smile.  So what are some other fun workouts?  Try dancing with Wii or Kinect Games.  Learn to salsa with Jennifer Galardi or jump right in with Patrick Goudeau.  If you have kids you can't miss a good ol' fashion game of tag or hide 'n' seek.  We have so many ways and so many opportunities to get in and stay in shape.  No excuses, right?  When I need weights for strength training I grab cans of soup or water bottles or anything I can fit in my hands that will offer resistance.  The other day my workout consisted of running up and down the stairs for 20 minutes.  When I start a new workout and it is difficult for me I don't get down on myself.  But I do push myself.  And if I can't make it all the way thru no big deal.  The next day I do five minutes more than the last until I've conquered it.  WAHOO!!  And it feels great.

Remember - You have the ability to accomplish any task you set your mind to do with ease and confidence


Friday, April 22, 2011

Essential Oils

OK all you health nuts (and I say that with an immense amount of affection),

If you've been looking for ways to improve your health but don't know where to start, don't have the energy to start, don't have the time to do the research to know where to start, etc, etc., I've got some answers to help you get there.  But before we get to some exciting new products that I want to share with you let's go over the basics; the best and easiest ways to get yourself on the path to feeling and looking great!

First, GET OUTSIDE!!!!  One of the easiest and best ways to re energize is to get outside and MOVE your body.  Everyone knows that, right?  So why is it so hard?  Number one, we tend to allow stress and worry and anxiety and this problem and that problem takeover.  Well all of that crap in your head could drop an elephant so it's certain to drain the life right out of you.  There is a time and a place for everything and no matter how adult we become we still need play time.  Problems will always be around.  Each of us as individuals decide how big of a roll problems will play in our lives.  So, everyday tell yourself to let them go.  And then go have some fun.  Number two, our homes can be some of the most toxic environments.  We have chemical cleaners that we use on a regular basis.  Our homes are built with toxic materials - treated wood, tar, asphalt, asbestos, lead, paints, stains, stain treaters, stain fighters and on and on.  If you don't believe me, make yourself aware of how you are feeling when you wake up, during the day when you're out of the house, and in the evening when you return home.  Many of us will immediately feel drained of all energy and wellness, not because we've had a long, stressful day at work (that's immediately remedied after clocking out if you let it), but because as soon as we walk thru the door we inhale numerous "off-gases" from the paint on the walls to the chemical treatments in the carpets to the stain on the furniture.  So get outside and get moving.

Second, if you absolutely can't get outside, get moving inside.  When I was dirt poor I used soup cans for dumbbells and rubber bungee cords for resistance straps.  You don't need fancy equipment to get in shape.  Heck, even turning on your favorite tunes and dancing around the house is better than no movement.  Our bodies weren't made to be stagnant they were made to move.  When you don't move toxins build up in your blood stream, then in your organs, tissues, and cells...which creates aches and pains, illnesses, dis-eases, etc.

Third, eat healthy.  Healthy eating habits don't have to taste bad.  There are so many options out there that I have no doubt you will find a variety of healthy food that are right for you and that you like.  For example, there was a time when the thought of boiled chicken didn't appeal to me in the least.  But then I tried it and discovered it actually has a great amount of flavor.  Pair it with sliced tomatoes and avocados, a little bit of parsley or cilantro, and you've got a quick, easy, healthy meal in about 15 minutes.  And once you start eating healthier you'll begin to notice that your old eating habits kind of gross-you-out.  You'll have more energy during the day, you'll feel nourished not sluggish, you'll begin to feel alive.  And that's great.

So now for some cool ideas.  If you're into essential oils or would like to know more about them I would highly suggest going to and click on zdoterra.  This company makes THE BEST oils; no chemicals or fillers; all natural.  And to be more efficient in knowing which oils will work best for you, you can purchase a zyto compass.  This is a bio computer program that reads your body's physiological responses thru  skin conductivity.  The fluctuations in skin conductivity are measured and sent back to the computer for analysis. It will then give you feedback based on your body's needs and what you can do to help get your body back in balance. For more information go to

Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journey Into Healing featuring Deepak Chopra

Health Benefits of Honey

I know there have been a lot of debates about the effects of honey; should we consume it?, how much should we consume?, etc.  So I thought I would give you a little bit of my experience with various types of honey and what it has done for me.

First, I kind of grew up on peanut butter and honey(clover) sandwiches, which I loved.  We were poor, my parents had 5 children, and there was rarely a lot of money to spend on groceries.  And those two items were fairly inexpensive at that time so that's what we ate.  I have since learned that, since honey contains anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, it's great for the immune system...but only when you're sick.  Well, lol, so much for a staple diet of peanut butter and honey.  And although I don't eat nearly as much honey as I did when I was a kid I still find it incredibly helpful and effective when I am feeling sick or even have injuries.  I will give you a few examples.

A few years ago I was working in the outdoors on a mountain located about two hours from the nearest hospital.  I was equipped with a radio, GPS, and satellite phone but there was very limited signal at our location.  We had been informed the day before that a massive storm would be headed over us the following evening.  My coworkers and I weren't overly concerned.  Most of us were familiar with the outdoors, camping, and"roughing it" and we knew how to prepare the camp and ourselves for our assumption of what was coming.  The next morning was beautiful!  It was the middle of February, I might add, but crystal blue skies, dark evergreens and twisted cedars laden with snow made for a breath-taking view.  We were all enjoying the day.  We had a small fire going and had just finished lunch when somebody looked out to the mountains just south of us.   A drawn-out "Uh-Oh!" was all we heard and when we looked for ourselves we had a bit of a surprise.  I can tell you in all my years of living in the Rockies I have never seen black clouds in February.  These looked like low-rolling thunderheads with a massive wall of mist shrouding it's approach.  The clouds tumbled and rolled over the mountains like waves to an ocean floor during a tsunami and I have to say I felt a bit of a chill.  Growing up in the Rockies you also learn that any storm that comes from the south is gonna hit heavy and it's gonna hit hard.  And this one was gonna hit hours before it's predicted arrival.  We scrambled; looking for more guide lines to secure the tents, gathering more wood, stowing equipment under tree clusters and tarps, and in the tents.  We knew the storm would hit within an hour so we needed to build up the fire in order to at least have hot coals left when the storm passed.

Now any idiot knows that wearing cotton or flannel into the wilderness, especially in the winter, is nothing short of stupid.  So what did I do?  I wore, not only cotton pants and long-johns, but frayed cotton pants.  It's the same sad story.  I thought to myself "Nothing will happen.  I don't want to wear my good clothes up there.  We have communication, tents, and a warm fire.  It's just for eight days, no biggie.  Nothing will happen to me."  Ugh!!  And into the fire circle I went with large log in hand and a buddy on the other end helping.  I will tell you this, after being exposed to the cold for so long your skin becomes a bit numb, maybe not dangerously so but to the point that it affects your sensory ability.  And all I could feel in that fire circle as I placed the log over hot coals was a nice, cozy, warmth traveling over my frigid skin.  I even remained close to the fire for several more moments and didn't realize anything was wrong until I heard someone calling my name and yelling to me that I was on fire!  I looked down, undisturbed by the statement, and sure enough I was on fire.  Whoa!  And then I felt the burning.  It was like someone had laid hot coals all over my knee and was pouring a hot, fiery liquid down my leg.  As much as it hurt I still didn't feel panicked.  I simply thought, "Just reach down and smother the flame." So I reached down to smother the flame but I couldn't get it to go out. I reached down again, and again, and again.  My pants were burning like an accelerated char-cloth and before I knew it the flames had burned from my knee to the bottom of my pants in less than a few seconds.

If any of you know anything about burns you know that first degree burns feel very similar to a bad sunburn.  Third degree burns you can't feel at all because the nerves have been burned away.  And Second degree burns hurt like a son of a gun!  And as I surveyed the damage, I wouldn't describe it as horrific but it was definitely in need of immediate medical attention.  I had 2nd and 3rd degree burns on my knee and first degree burns from just above my knee down to my lower calf.  I did everything you're NOT supposed to do when treating severe burns but I felt that under the circumstances it was the lesser of two evils.  There was a severe storm approaching, we had no communication, no vehicle, and no way to treat burns.  Our first aid kit was basically empty and with the storm we probably wouldn't see anyone for several days.  Severe burns over large areas and especially over joints can be a window for infection.  So I followed my gut.  My clothes had melted into my skin - I pulled them out.  I cleansed the wound with the only thing I could find that was halfway sanitary - a wet wipe; you're not supposed to clean burns with soap.  I lathered it in honey - no 'ointments' over burns-  put a gauze pad on it - gauze can adhere to burned flesh, and iced it for the rest of the day ( about 6 hours). Icing for too long can cause nerve damage.   And then the storm hit.  I have to say that the freezing cold helped the burning feeling quite a bit.  It was hurting pretty good.
  But I woke up the next morning with very little pain.  I checked the burn, cleaned it, and put more honey and a fresh gauze pad on.  And today you can barely see where the burn occurred which is amazing since I tend to scarr easily.  I also have feeling to the entire area.   Every once in a while there are pain flare-ups as if the nerves are still growing back but other than that I'd say it's completely back to normal.

I have had friends and family members who have used honey for burns and received the same results.  Honey is a natural pain killer, is high in vitamin C, has small amounts of hydrogen peroxide (good for bacteria),  and other nutrients that aid in healing.  I have also been able to use honey to clear up chronic ear infections, sinus trouble, and to cleanse adenoids.  I have used it in combination with pine needle tea to clear up the 3-week-cold in two days.  If this interests you, do your own research.  Make sure it will be something that is beneficial to you.  We've been provided with everything we need to heal and stay healthy.  We are each the captain of our own vessel and may choose to do what we wish for our betterment or to our detriment.  I hope the rising health trend will spur all of us into action.

Have a great day!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

cont...Throw Off the Bowlines

Last month I posted a partial list of excuses that we all use and that hinder so many of us when it comes to asking for, enjoying, and partaking in what we really want and deserve.  I also included their opposites; positive things you can say instead of  "I can't."  And I certainly hope that you put them to use because are thoughts are too powerful to ignore.  " If we realized how powerful our thoughts are, we would never think a negative thought."  ~Peace Pilgrim~

Again, you can find all of these positive thoughts and more in "The Power of Intention" by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Excuses / Affirmations

It's never happened before. /   I am open & willing to attract all that I desire beginning here and now.

I'm not strong enough.  /  I have access to unlimited assistance.  My strength comes from my connection to my source.

I'm not smart enough.  /  I am a creation of the divine mind, all is perfect & I am a genius in my own right.

I'm too old/young.  /  I am an infinite being.  The age of my body has no bearing on what I do or who I am.

The rules won't let me  /  I live my life according to divine rules.

It's too big.  /  I think only about what I can do now.  By thinking small I accomplish great things.

I don't have the energy.  /  I feel passionately about my life & this passion fills me with excitement & energy.

It's my personal family history.  /  I live in the present moment by being grateful for all my life experiences as a child.

I'm too busy.  /  As I unclutter my life I free myself to answer the callings of my soul.

I'm too scared.  /  I can accomplish anything I put my mind to because I know I'm never alone.

So, as Mark Twain said, " Through off the bowlines..."          " If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it."  William Arthur Ward

Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Waking Up on the Right Side of the Bed

Don't you love it when you wake up happy, refreshed, excited about the day?  It's been a while for me but I still remember how great it feels and I'm excited to be coming back to that.

For so long, even as a child, I would be confused when I'd wake up in the morning cranky.  I could rationalize that no one pestered me in the moments before I woke, no one stuck my hand in a bowl of warm water or dumped ice water on my head, no incessant whining in my ears, no bed-mate kicking me to the floor.  So why?  How could I be feeling so awful when nothing bad has happened and I should be feeling refreshed and happy?  The answer came to me from a friend who was trying diligently to help me out of a hard situation.  He knew that I had gone through some life changing events and had been around some sort of dysfunction most of my life.  One day I finally told him that my soul was weary; to the very depths of my being I wanted to feel absolutely nothing.  I was that tired of my life and everything I had allowed into it (some knowingly and some unknowingly).  And he said when you're awake you consciously guard everything that you feel needs protecting (your heart, your feelings/emotions, your beliefs, your ego, your ideas/opinions, etc).  But when you fall asleep your conscious mind gives up to the subconscious mind where we keep all our true feelings, our hurts and fears hidden.  And because your conscious mind is no longer "guarding the gate" all of your true feelings, hurts and fears come to the surface in an effort from your subconscious to get you to deal with them.  Your body naturally eliminates physical toxins and your mind naturally eliminates mental and emotional toxins.  But because we make a conscious effort to guard everything and keep our emotional selves "locked up" the toxic emotions/thoughts/feelings can't be dealt with appropriately or efficiently.  So when this happens it's a sign that you need to take some time to be introspective, pray, meditate, take care of yourself, flush your mind of everything ill.
BLING!!!!!!!!!           Everything clicked!  It made so much sense.  And although this may be trivial to many one more weight had been lifted.  One more step had been taken to get back my true, beautiful self.  And as I sat there contemplating what he had said, soaking it all in, the sun became a little brighter as if God, Mother Nature, and all the angels were nudging me towards that beautiful journey back to Me.  There are times when you feel inexpressible gratitude for the blessings that come your way and this is one of them.
By the way, I personally don't believe we have a conscious and subconscious mind.  I believe it is all one.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Connecting Quotes

"All great things work in harmony not in competition."  ~ Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD

"It is through choosing that you gain clarity.  Clarity is the first step to living life in love."
~ Chris & Janet Attwood ~

" You are loved.  Your role in life is to give & receive love.  Your loves are guiding you to fulfill your destiny in life.  There is nothing that comes to you except for the purpose of opening you up more fully to love.  Passion is your love in motion.  It's the connection to your heart's truest desires.  That's why it is the path to a successful life.  The first step is falling in love with yourself.  This is the prerequisite for making money, relationships you seek, having a vital, healthy, body, for truly living life."   ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer ~

"Wisdom is not something that one receives.  IT is something that one discovers for oneself on a journey that no one can take for us and no one can spare us."   ~ "Good" (the movie) ~

Monday, March 28, 2011

Stress Does 5 Things Part 1

I hope everyone is having a great day!  I had the opportunity yesterday to catch part of an interview with Dr. Alex Loyd, PhD, conducted by Jim Katsoulis.  Dr. Loyd is the author of " The Healing Code" and Mr. Katsoulis works in the field of hypnosis, specializing in weight-loss if I remember correctly.  In this interview Dr. Loyd went over 5 things that stress does to our minds/bodies.  At first, they went over the increase or rise of illness in this country and around the world.  And a lot of that is due to increased populations but it is also due to a growing "lack" as individuals of taking care of ourselves.  We are not as active, as a whole, we have far more stress with little or no avenues of relieving it in a healthy way.  Cancer jumped onto the scene as a known killer prior to the 1970's and in 1971 Richard Nixon declared war on cancer.  It soon became the number 8 cause of death (in America) and today, in 2011, it is number 2 soon to be number 1.   A lot of this is paraphrased but you may be able to go to to get the full interview.  So I would like to share some of the information that was offered by Dr. Loyd in this interview.  Some of you may find it helpful.

1.  Stress Suppresses the Immune System - Stress leaves you open to any disease / illness you can have.  Dr. Bruce Lipton from Stanford University's School of Medicine says it is the ONLY way you can get cancer because you don't really "get" cancer.  You've already got the gene, everybody does.  It's just a matter of  'will that gene ever manifest or unmask'.  And the only way for it to unmask is if the cell is under stress.

2.  Stress "Dumbs-You-Down" -  Stress literally takes away creativity, problem-solving skills, and whatever else you need to be successful in your life.

3.  Stress Makes You Exhausted - It messes with you HPA access or Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal.  When you become stressed a message is sent from the Hypothalamus to the Pituitary to the Adrenal Glands which release cortisol.  This gives you a boost of energy where you feel like Superman for about 30 minutes to an hour (by the way...this time decreases the more stress you are under and the longer you remain under stress).  But then you go into an adrenaline overdose/ adrenaline crash which means you're exhausted.  The Superman feeling can last for up to an hour...the exhaustion can last for decades, or until you come out of the stress.  According to research most people are staying in "the stress".  And there are a variety of reasons for people "staying in stress" ; they don't know how to get out of it, they're so exhausted because of the stress that they feel they have no energy left to make their life better, they're worried about making waves with family or friends, and the list goes on.

4.  Stress Causes You To Come At Whatever You Are Doing From a Negative Point of View. - Fear, anger, sadness, " I can't do it" , " I'm not smart enough" , " I'm not attractive enough ", " I'm not talented enough" , " I'm not connected enough ", " The economy's too bad" , " No one's gonna buy it from me" , " No one's gonna listen to me " , " I don't have enough credentials", etc., etc.  Thousands of excuses/ beliefs you use to cause you to flush absolutely every opportunity you ever have down the toilet.

5.  Stress Causes You to Fail - Stress causes you to fail because it does the four things listed above.  Imagine yourself trying to be successful in your life, in your career, with the most important relationships in your life, if you're doing it sick, tired, 'dumbed-down', energy drained, and from a totally negative perspective.  You might be able to push that rock up the hill for a day, a week, a few months.  But it won't take long before that thing is gonna roll back down the hill, usually over you, in the process.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Mark Twain has said that " Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heal that has crushed it."

"We do not attract that which we want; we attract that which we are."  Dr. Wayne Dyer

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought.  It is founded on our thought, it is made up of our thoughts.  If one speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows one like a shadow that never leaves."  Bu

All those sayings about 'life is what you make it' and 'when life hands you lemons you can sit and suck on the sour lemons or you can make lemonade' and ' we see what we want to see, we hear what we want to hear, and that is our life'...generally speaking, cliches become cliches because they are true.  No matter what others may do to us, no matter how many wrong choices we make (knowingly or in ignorance) we have the freedom, the power, and the ability to choose to turn it into a stepping stone or a pothole.  I believe that if we allowed ourselves to see us as we are...infinite, divine, beautiful, creative, talented, with an abundance of intelligence and compassion and love...we would never doubt or question our own right to happiness, we would never neglect to keep ourselves in tune with love and abundance.

"Whenever you correct your mind everything else will fall into place."  Lao Tsu

Believe in your own beauty,


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Throw off the bowlines

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover."  ~Mark Twain~

I've been listening to talks and reading books by Dr. Wayne Dyer for several years now.  And he has some great ways to throw the ego in the back seat and take back control of your life.  When you hear yourself start to think/say/do these excuses stop yourself and replace them with these affirmations.  It works!!

It will be difficult .   /   I have the ability to accomplish any task I set my mind to do with ease and confidence.

It's going to be risky.  /   Being myself involves no risk.  It's my ultimate truth and I live fearlessly.
It will take a long time.  /   I have infinite patience when it comes to fulfilling my own destiny.
There will be family drama.  /   I'd rather be loathed for who I am than loved for who I am not.
I don't deserve it.  /   I am a divine creation, a piece of God.  How can I be undeserving.
It's not my nature.  /   My essential nature is perfect & flawless.  It is to this nature that I return.
I can't afford it.  /   I am connected to an unlimited source of abundance.

No one will help me.  /   The right circumstances and the right people are already here & will show up on time



Friday, March 11, 2011

Habit is Habit

" Habit is habit, and not to be flung out the window by any man, but coaxed down the stairs one step at a time."       ~  Mark Twain ~

I used to jump all over myself when I made a mistake.  I used to tear myself down in an effort to beat the insufferable belittling of others.  And I was miserable.  You know that little voice in your head that says, " there's a better way" or " life has the potential to be so much greater than this " or " you're worth more than what you're allowing into your life " know, THAT voice ?  Well, I believed it.  The only problem was I didn't know how to get from where I was to where I wanted to be.  The first thought that came to my mind was to ask those closest to me.  If they're doing better than you are, emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually, mentally, then I'd say that's a wise information source to follow.  However, if your emotional, physical, spiritual, mental, financial brains are wearing question marks whenever you're around them, you may want to drink the water from a different trough.  For example, and this is a common one, people want to give you relationship advice yet their relationships are in shambles.  Someone who yells to get a point across is telling you how to communicate.  Someone who doesn't budget and who's name is common to collection agencies is teaching you how to invest.
I made these mistakes over and over again.  On one hand my brain was saying, " I know these people the best, I'm closest to them and they're closest to me.  There is no way they would steer me wrong.  I can trust them."  And on the other side of my brain the conversation looked something like this, " Yes, I know them well, but that doesn't mean they know best.  They know what they've been taught which is not always correct.  Find answers for yourself."  Once I finally started listening to my wiser self things started to click.  And here is what I think now.
Never, NEVER put yourself down.  You and I are the most genius, the most beautiful, the most creative, the most compassionate, the most confident, the most happy, no-limits creations and our talents are abundant, our possibilities are limitless.  We are divine.  When we make mistakes, NO BIG DEAL.  We are here to learn, explore, and enjoy, not to complain, judge, and belittle.  And mistakes are the best way to learn, explore, and enjoy life.  We are taught many untruths when it comes to mistakes.  We are taught that mistakes make you weak when in fact they strengthen.  We are taught that you are the best when you have 100% success when the truth is you learn very little and are extremely naive and vulnerable from 100% success.  We are taught that if you don't get it right the first time you will be judged harshly.  And we are.  I have heard someone say that " my reputation is none of my business."  And I have to agree.  My reputation is simply made up of other peoples' opinions of me, good or bad, which has absolutely nothing to do with how I live unless I let it. So maybe you're asking, "If mistakes are good, why am I not healthy, wealthy, and wise by now? I've been making mistakes my entire life."  If you allow your reputation to become your business, you will forget who you are and who you were born to be.  And once you let other peoples' opinions of you become important to you, you stop learning because "mistakes are bad, mistakes are something that should always laden us with shame and embarrassment."  When you allow your focus to be on anything negative it becomes like the monkey's fist; until you let go you can't do anything else with your life but hold a bunch of nuts!
Habit is habit but it's not impossible to change.  Let go of the self-deprecation when you make a mistake.  Your soul will thank you.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


It's so important for all of us give our mind, body, and spirit proper care.  And I can always tell when I need to give to myself  because my ability to handle stress decreases, I feel tired, my attitude becomes more and more negative, I become sick more easily, etc., etc.. my search to find the right tools for me I came across an amazing meditation program.  It's called Holosync and it combines the sound of rain, crystal bowls, and specific sound frequencies that resonate within your brain to create new neural-pathways.  The brain starts creating more of the "good chemicals" and less of the "bad".  In the short time I've been using it my ability to handle stress has increased considerably, I have very little anxiety, I'm not as tired all the time, the positive outlook that I've always known I have but could never connect to is becoming more and more present.  And it doesn't take any effort at all just a little time.  Sitting in your favorite room, in your favorite chair, with headphones on listening to this meditation CD is all it takes.  The first time I used it my ears buzzed and all the muscles in my neck and shoulders completely relaxed (that's never happened even with professional massages).  And the positive results just keep coming.  Anyone can get a free demo CD before buying the complete program.  Just go to  There is a complete description of the program plus a number you can call for any further questions.  Try it out.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Go for it" mind movie

Born to Win

I've been searching most of my life for a way to release myself from mental limitations.  Whether they are self-imposed or we allow others to limit us doesn't matter.  When we embrace any perceived limitations we automatically deny our spirit's ability to illuminate the world.

One great way I have found to minimize or eliminate those limitations is to create a mind movie.  I got the idea after stumbling across the mindmovies web site .  And all I can say is I had a ton of fun making it.  No, my movie's not perfect but it did give me a better direction for my life.  It helped me create goals, stay focused and positive and allowed me to remember who I was born to beIf you'd like to have a little bit of creative fun, you can visit or use your PC's movie maker / power point set ups. 

"Whenever you correct your mind everything else will fall into place."  Lao Tsu


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Truth in Many Places

I was always taught that truth could only be found in certain places and if you looked anywhere but there, you would lose your soul, your freedom, your moral conscience.  That notion has been bouncing around in my head for many years.  Uncertain of it's validity, I have never stamped it as a truth.  I do my best to think for myself and to ask questions for myself keeping an open mind knowing that opinions and beliefs may change.
I questioned what I was told about where I could find truth because it  wasn't matching up with my reality or what I perceived to be true.   Some of my best friends have come from the people I should stay away from.  Some of the stereotypes I was taught were decimated with acts of compassion and  love.  Some of what I was told was right never felt right and some of what I was told was wrong didn't feel wrong.  I have found that people of all races, people of all social and economic status, people of all faiths, people from every walk of life are kind.  That we all want to be better.  That we all want to do better.  We all feel compassion when someone is in need.  We become elated when our neighbors triumph over tragedy and when our spirits overcome personal challenges.  We champion the runner no matter his place.  We encourage the weary and the down-trodden, "take it one step at a time.." and we hold a place in the game for those who are resting to join us again.  Truth can come from anyone, from any thing, from any place, at anytime.

Thank You for the love of family, for the support of good friends.  Thank You for loving me and for teaching me to love myself.  Thank You for all of my opportunities.  Thank You for beautiful spirits and laughter.  I'm grateful for the simple things in life.  I'm thankful for sunny days, they make me feel like You're smiling at me.  I'm grateful for the sounds of nature and for my beautiful dreams.  I'm thankful for the soothing effects of fire.  I'm thankful for the little chipmunk I saw this morning as I was hiking.  He crawled up onto a boulder in the sun.  For a few minutes he watched me.  Then when he felt it was safe he sunk down to feel the warmth on the rock.  A second later he stretched his front legs out, then his back legs until he was fully stretched out warming up on the rock, enjoying the morning in full sun.  So cute!!!  I'm thankful for opportunities to learn and to see beauty.
I'm thankful for people with a sense of humor.  I am thankful for opportunities to increase my skills and learn new ones.  I'm thankful for hikes in the woods. I'm thankful for positive thinking.  I am loving the magic of ordinary days. Thank You for my love of simplicity.


Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm thankful....

So I've posted two blogs so far and I'm not feeling connected to what I'm writing.  Maybe my ego is involved?

My grandmother used to sing all the time, especially while she worked.  And she always told me to sing while I worked to make my tasks easier and make the time go by faster.  Anyway, my grandmother has been gone for several years but I still hear her singing..." God answers prayers in the morning, God answers prayers at noon, God answers prayers in the evening so keep your heart in tune."  I don't want to go back to being"churchy" but I do want to strengthen my connection with that higher power.  This is still my journey to personal freedom but with expressions of gratitude.

I used to work in the outdoors in a wilderness program and that's when I really started to write down what I was thankful for.

Thank You for my family, for animals, for the roof over my head, and the clothes on my back. Thank You, God, for Mother Nature, for the eyes you gave me to see and the ears You gave me to hear and the voice You gave me to sing.  I love to sing.  It fills my heart with You.  Thank you for Sadie, Yellow, Goose, A.J. Jasmine, Beep-Beep, and Kim.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How bad do I want to be "ME"

What's the hardest part about being yourself?  Overcoming FEAR ... fear of being alone, having no friends; fear of being judged, fear of being rejected, fear of persecution, fear of not fitting in to society or family.  How much of my life do I lose to FEAR?  Too much.  But there is a ray of sunshine peaking through the clouds I have allowed to hover over my life.  Can you guess what it is?  That's right....CHOICE.  We all know how to implement choice in our lives.  We just have to be willing to let our hearts be our guide .  Our hearts tell us every time we take a wrong turn.  Our hearts tell us every time we do something contrary to our good nature.  Our hearts tell us every time we walk away from ourselves leaving the door open for anyone or anything to come in and take over (i.e., we can never say "no" to anyone, we fear judgment from others, we do anything to "fit in", etc).  I believe our hearts are the voices for our souls; the voices for who we really are.  When we ignore our hearts we ignore ourselves and everything good that we are.  Do you ever wonder why you  seemingly have everything you want but have an unidentifiable, endless ache inside; as if something is missing.  And the most frustrating thing is you THINK you have no idea where this ache is coming from, what it's called, or how to fix it.  But if you pay close attention it does go away when you're doing what you love.  It does go away when you're surrounded by people who love you unconditionally.  It does go away when you allow yourself to be you.  How bad do we want to be who we were meant to be?  We make time for the things we want to do and for the people we want to be with.  So why not make time to be us?


Thursday, February 10, 2011


I have been blessed with the ability to see how everything in my life, good or bad, is a stepping stone to something better.  The challenge comes in admitting that very fact when you're in the midst of a personal crisis.  The challenge comes in facing fears and past demons that threaten to leap out at you whenever you contemplate a new beginning.  The challenge comes in finding the courage to be a better you.  When those closest to you are connected with those fears and demons  it can, at times, feel impossible.  But courage is like God; always there, walking beside you waiting for you to say "I'm ready."  No matter what's been done, how much milk has been spilled, or how many mirrors have been broken we have choice.  We can choose to live in pain or we can choose to make an adventure out of our search for happiness.  We can choose to feel regret or we can choose to forgive ourselves.  Worry or trust, hate or love, judge or reach for our own improvements, live in fear or live free.  I was reminded of this in an email I received.  It said, " Everyone has the ability and can choose to wake up with a smile on their face...most do not."  What would happen if we all went to bed tonight knowing that we were going to wake up tomorrow with a smile?  And then we did.
Courage lives in actions.