Monday, March 28, 2011

Stress Does 5 Things Part 1

I hope everyone is having a great day!  I had the opportunity yesterday to catch part of an interview with Dr. Alex Loyd, PhD, conducted by Jim Katsoulis.  Dr. Loyd is the author of " The Healing Code" and Mr. Katsoulis works in the field of hypnosis, specializing in weight-loss if I remember correctly.  In this interview Dr. Loyd went over 5 things that stress does to our minds/bodies.  At first, they went over the increase or rise of illness in this country and around the world.  And a lot of that is due to increased populations but it is also due to a growing "lack" as individuals of taking care of ourselves.  We are not as active, as a whole, we have far more stress with little or no avenues of relieving it in a healthy way.  Cancer jumped onto the scene as a known killer prior to the 1970's and in 1971 Richard Nixon declared war on cancer.  It soon became the number 8 cause of death (in America) and today, in 2011, it is number 2 soon to be number 1.   A lot of this is paraphrased but you may be able to go to to get the full interview.  So I would like to share some of the information that was offered by Dr. Loyd in this interview.  Some of you may find it helpful.

1.  Stress Suppresses the Immune System - Stress leaves you open to any disease / illness you can have.  Dr. Bruce Lipton from Stanford University's School of Medicine says it is the ONLY way you can get cancer because you don't really "get" cancer.  You've already got the gene, everybody does.  It's just a matter of  'will that gene ever manifest or unmask'.  And the only way for it to unmask is if the cell is under stress.

2.  Stress "Dumbs-You-Down" -  Stress literally takes away creativity, problem-solving skills, and whatever else you need to be successful in your life.

3.  Stress Makes You Exhausted - It messes with you HPA access or Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal.  When you become stressed a message is sent from the Hypothalamus to the Pituitary to the Adrenal Glands which release cortisol.  This gives you a boost of energy where you feel like Superman for about 30 minutes to an hour (by the way...this time decreases the more stress you are under and the longer you remain under stress).  But then you go into an adrenaline overdose/ adrenaline crash which means you're exhausted.  The Superman feeling can last for up to an hour...the exhaustion can last for decades, or until you come out of the stress.  According to research most people are staying in "the stress".  And there are a variety of reasons for people "staying in stress" ; they don't know how to get out of it, they're so exhausted because of the stress that they feel they have no energy left to make their life better, they're worried about making waves with family or friends, and the list goes on.

4.  Stress Causes You To Come At Whatever You Are Doing From a Negative Point of View. - Fear, anger, sadness, " I can't do it" , " I'm not smart enough" , " I'm not attractive enough ", " I'm not talented enough" , " I'm not connected enough ", " The economy's too bad" , " No one's gonna buy it from me" , " No one's gonna listen to me " , " I don't have enough credentials", etc., etc.  Thousands of excuses/ beliefs you use to cause you to flush absolutely every opportunity you ever have down the toilet.

5.  Stress Causes You to Fail - Stress causes you to fail because it does the four things listed above.  Imagine yourself trying to be successful in your life, in your career, with the most important relationships in your life, if you're doing it sick, tired, 'dumbed-down', energy drained, and from a totally negative perspective.  You might be able to push that rock up the hill for a day, a week, a few months.  But it won't take long before that thing is gonna roll back down the hill, usually over you, in the process.

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