Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Truth in Many Places

I was always taught that truth could only be found in certain places and if you looked anywhere but there, you would lose your soul, your freedom, your moral conscience.  That notion has been bouncing around in my head for many years.  Uncertain of it's validity, I have never stamped it as a truth.  I do my best to think for myself and to ask questions for myself keeping an open mind knowing that opinions and beliefs may change.
I questioned what I was told about where I could find truth because it  wasn't matching up with my reality or what I perceived to be true.   Some of my best friends have come from the people I should stay away from.  Some of the stereotypes I was taught were decimated with acts of compassion and  love.  Some of what I was told was right never felt right and some of what I was told was wrong didn't feel wrong.  I have found that people of all races, people of all social and economic status, people of all faiths, people from every walk of life are kind.  That we all want to be better.  That we all want to do better.  We all feel compassion when someone is in need.  We become elated when our neighbors triumph over tragedy and when our spirits overcome personal challenges.  We champion the runner no matter his place.  We encourage the weary and the down-trodden, "take it one step at a time.." and we hold a place in the game for those who are resting to join us again.  Truth can come from anyone, from any thing, from any place, at anytime.

Thank You for the love of family, for the support of good friends.  Thank You for loving me and for teaching me to love myself.  Thank You for all of my opportunities.  Thank You for beautiful spirits and laughter.  I'm grateful for the simple things in life.  I'm thankful for sunny days, they make me feel like You're smiling at me.  I'm grateful for the sounds of nature and for my beautiful dreams.  I'm thankful for the soothing effects of fire.  I'm thankful for the little chipmunk I saw this morning as I was hiking.  He crawled up onto a boulder in the sun.  For a few minutes he watched me.  Then when he felt it was safe he sunk down to feel the warmth on the rock.  A second later he stretched his front legs out, then his back legs until he was fully stretched out warming up on the rock, enjoying the morning in full sun.  So cute!!!  I'm thankful for opportunities to learn and to see beauty.
I'm thankful for people with a sense of humor.  I am thankful for opportunities to increase my skills and learn new ones.  I'm thankful for hikes in the woods. I'm thankful for positive thinking.  I am loving the magic of ordinary days. Thank You for my love of simplicity.


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